Friday, May 13, 2011

Making Connections

 A Re-Emerging Mover needs to walk in whatever door is most open at the moment.  However my experience tells me that when some sort of meaningful experience be it artistic, scientific or social is brought to the endeavor.......there is a paradigm shift.   

The following excerpt was written by a wonderful teacher of mine- Peggy Hackney, author of the brilliant book Making Connections.  

“I would say that 'lower expectations' in terms of exercise is not what is necessary, but rather movement experiences that are meaningful and engaging for the person doing them.....several aspects contribute to clients’ willingness to participate in continued movement or “exercise”. The 'Exercise' whether it is walking for 10 minutes three times a day, stepping up and down on benches, or simply dancing to music in the living room must enliven the person on more than just a muscular level. It must be an exercise in “connectivity”,whether that is an experience of internal body connection or an experience of connecting to someone or something in the larger world. “Connectivity” includes connecting to motivation and meaning-making for the individual which engages them in a fuller committed movement response rather than simply repetitive  meaningless exercise……….Laban Movement Analysis redefines “exercise” in at least two ways:  
1. To include education around concepts of how the body is connecting and supporting through the center core of the body, not just which individual body part is “exercising.  
2. To include a personal path for making the new movement experience become meaningful and enjoyable.  
And so, rather than “lowering expectations” around exercise, I feel that we should find ways to make movement personally meaningful. Meaning entices. It brings a vitality which is certainly a part of a healthful physical life."  
P.J.Hackney CLMA , Author of Making Connections

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